the redhead
posted Jun 17, 1999 14:29 CT (US)
Clamps cigar firmly betwen teeth. Gazes across the battlefield.

I love it when a plan comes together...

The Redhead
Commander of the A-Team

posted Jun 17, 1999 14:35 CT (US)
A warrior in blue armor from head to toe sits upon his horse in front of legions of men wearing the colors of VTA and Angelique. Staring upon the castle keep before him he smiles and raising his swird he points.

"Go forth my brothers and bring Honor to Angelique!"

With that the horse gallops forward with his armies behind him. All that can be heard is thier battle cries and the pounding of thier feet as they charge the castle.

Till death if i must..
Vengence Squad of VTA

posted Jun 17, 1999 15:02 CT (US)
:::Steps up next to his commander and puts his arm around her shoulders. With a big ear to ear grin and a soggy cigar nub wedged between his teeth he glances at the carnage below.:::

"You never cease to amaze me Red. I may pick on ya alot but when you're good, you're good." With that he gives her a little wink and takes a drag on the ever shortening stoggie.

Lil' Gingis
Drunken bum of VTA

posted Jun 17, 1999 15:45 CT (US)
::walks up to where Red and Gingis are standing in a cloud of smoke. Waves hands around to clear the surrounding air a bit so she can see.

"Mission accomplished, M'Lady, M'Lord. My squad performed admirably and won the day! I am very proud of them and they do great honor the you, our guild and Angelique!"

::starts choking on the cloud of smoke surrounding them.

"I..errr....a did come bearing gifts though."

::hands Red and Ginis each a big new cigar.

"I noticed Gingis's was getting a little soggy. My he does slobber a lot, doesn't he. You might want to carry a handkerchief around to wipe his mouth off once in awhile if he continues to slobber. Might be he's cutting teeth or somethin'. Has he been cranky lately or try chew on everything?"

Unofficial Spider of VTA

posted Jun 17, 1999 18:53 CT (US)
A warrior carring a very knicked blade in one hand and a similar looking axe in another walk up out of no where and throws his weapons to the ground in disgust.

"Stupid cheap, shoddy weapons! I am gonna kill that blacksmith." Says Attica. "Anyway the job is done the heathens you sent me to purify are dead and my squad is finishing the others off. I am going now to have a talk with the balacksmith."

With that Attica rides off in the direction of his kingdom not looking to happy.

Till death if i must..
Vengence Squad of VTA

Redemption posted Jun 17, 1999 18:55 CT (US)
*Yawns as the latest reports come in*

Send word to our allies..if VTA doth believe they have won after one decent strike..they are sorely mistaken..


Yeah, yeah..catchy tag here.

[This message has been edited by Redemption (edited 06-17-99).]

Attica posted Jun 17, 1999 19:35 CT (US)
OOC: We have never said we "WON" we are merely role playing out the battle. By the way what guild are you from?

Till death if i must..
Vengence Squad of VTA

Arachne posted Jun 17, 1999 19:45 CT (US)
I'm very interested in the answer to that question too Attica.

Unofficial Spider of VTA

Tiara posted Jun 17, 1999 20:55 CT (US)
Redemption would be from TCV...~nod~


~she listens to her messengers as they read to her the damages done to her land, she raises a brow slightly, but smirks slightly, awaiting the chance to strike back~

~Tiara de'Tokiet~
~Proud Member of the TCV~

Attica posted Jun 17, 1999 21:14 CT (US)
OOC: Thank you Tiara.

IC: Attica sits at the head of his war council table reviewing the days reports with a large grin. Then turning to the generals that await his response he begins to speak..

"The days attacks went well indeed. Now give orders to fortify and to regroup and give out new supplies. Also send out my private medics to help take care of the wounded. My men deserve the same care as I. I shall go now to take council with our leader Redhead, to receive her orders for the morrow.

Till death if i must..
Vengence Squad of VTA

chosen1 posted Jun 17, 1999 21:55 CT (US)

Though TCV may seem down don't make the mistake of counting us out.

Forward fangs of the viper!!

OOC: Nice A-Team referance. I MISS that show! *LOL*

The greatest weapon you will ever posess sits on top of your shoulders.

[This message has been edited by chosen1 (edited 06-17-99).]

Nameless posted Jun 17, 1999 23:18 CT (US)
Don't think that we will just sit by when you counter attack. We know the art of war and will act to correct any actions taken against us.

You can not kill what you can not see.
And you can not see that which has no name.

Arachne posted Jun 18, 1999 12:35 CT (US)
Very well said - Nameless

Unofficial Spider of VTA

chosen1 posted Jun 18, 1999 12:49 CT (US)
The Champion laughs

Stand still? Nae. Freind I expect ye to die. He smiles

OOC: I hate to inform you of this but wether she remembers it or not "the redhead" and I have spoken before. Having earned my respect I have stoped several plans to attack VTA and not plotted your demise in my own guild.

That is why we did not attack you when you were the only mark in a field of red.

Oh well it should be a fun RP. You must admit this though. for this only being our second age and me being a first time GM we did pretty good. Have fun! *smiles*

The greatest weapon you will ever posess sits on top of your shoulders.

[This message has been edited by chosen1 (edited 06-18-99).]

Joe90 posted Jun 18, 1999 04:16 CT (US)
::runs up towards his commanders overseeing the battles::

"My Lords, the battle goes well, and the defences seem ready for a counter"

::Pulls a cigar out of his top pocket::

"Anyone gotta light.....?"

Angeliques very own cartoon character!!!
Joe 90 - Superhero of VTA

posted Jun 18, 1999 09:56 CT (US)

Careful what you wish for..

The flames of barnabas burn high -


posted Jun 18, 1999 11:14 CT (US)
Entering into the command circle of VTA a and seating himself at the negotiaing table Attica nods to Redhead and Gingis, while signaling a slave to bring him a fresh fruit juice. " My lady I have come to report minor backlash of the attacks from yesterday. My armies now sit ready for your next commands to bring Angelique yet more glory."

Till death if i must..
Vengence Squad of VTA

Gingis posted Jun 18, 1999 11:18 CT (US)
:::Standing poised, overlooking the preparation of his men for the second wave, he searches himself for a morning stogie without much luck. He stops when his attention is draw to a horseman approaching him quickly. The messenger leaps of his horse and salutes Gingis out of breath.:::

"M'lord, new orders, attacks against the leader of TCV are to stop."

Gingis suddenly forgets about looking for a cigar. "Stop?!?! Are you kidding?? We spent all night repairing our seige lines for the second attack and we are to stand down? What? Why?!?" He starts kicking the ground, muttering a few unmentionables.

Suddenly a little scared the messager continues, "The Grand Commander has been in contact with thier GM and due to a worldly conflict, we are to cease the destruction of this kilngdom."

"ARGH! I don't believe this, my men stayed up all night only to have the ..... wait ..... just this kingdom?" Gingis peers quizically at the messager.

"Yes m'lord. The orders are for this kingdom only."

Gingis strokes his day old beard, "So there is no mention about me sieging say ... that kingdom over there?" Gingis points to a neighboring heathen kingdom.

"No m'lord. The orders are only for this kingdom."

:::Gingis quickly shouts a few orders to his generals who quickly have the army changing position to siege the neighboring heathen. He resumes his search for a cigar.:::

Lil' Gingis
Drunken bum of VTA

Doc_TCV posted Jun 18, 1999 11:34 CT (US)
Doc looks around

"Doc they have stopped. They have a message for ya...

Doc:go ahead. spit it out.

ok here it goes...

We shall stop all atttacks and focus on our main target(insert hideous laugh here)

Doc:Then who is the main target...

Doc Because i operate for TCV

Redemption posted Jun 18, 1999 15:07 CT (US)
*As the heathen armies get closer and closer to his last acres a messanger scurries in*

L-lord Redemption..t-t-the heathens are knocking at our walls!

*Redemption smirks*

By all means..let them in..

Yeah, yeah..catchy tag here.

the redhead posted Jun 18, 1999 23:36 CT (US)
The commander sits upon Kimberlite on a hill overlooking the battlefield. As she examines the progress of her troops, she offers up a silent prayer of thanks to the True Goddess

Thank you, Angelique, for providing us the strength and speed in our sword arms and the inspiration to fight so bravely and ferociously against the heathens

The Redhead
Commander of the A-Team

Beauty comes in many colors...
Perfection in only one.

[This message has been edited by the redhead (edited 06-18-99).]

Gingis posted Jun 19, 1999 02:04 CT (US)
:::He finds the cigar he was looking for, lights it and inhales deeply. Exhaling slowly, he gazes out over the field at his armies regrouping for the counter strike.:::

Cigar planted firmly in his teeth he turns to Redhead. "Who was that guy that said that thing .... hmm .... How'd go?"

Redhead gives Gingis an odd look. "What?"

"Ah! Now I remember. God I love the smell of death in the morning!" quotes Gingis.

Redhead turns pale for a moment. "God you are one sick puppy Gingis."

:::Gingis only smiles widly with a cigar wedged in his teeth and then directs his attention back to the battle.:::

Lil' Gingis
Drunken bum of VTA

[This message has been edited by Gingis (edited 06-19-99).]

chosen1 posted Jun 19, 1999 16:59 CT (US)
Hears the Redheads statement and laughs loudly.

Redhead, so you admit to the superiority of the red barnabas?


OOC: *LOL* You said it, I just couldn't resist.

The greatest weapon you will ever posess sits on top of your shoulders.

[This message has been edited by chosen1 (edited 06-19-99).]

chosen1 posted Jun 19, 1999 16:59 CT (US)

OOC: Blasted double posts! Sorry guys.

The greatest weapon you will ever posess sits on top of your shoulders.

[This message has been edited by chosen1 (edited 06-19-99).]

tobias_knight posted Jun 19, 1999 17:30 CT (US)
enters. looks around at damage. shakes head. leaves.

Geo DeGrazia posted Jun 19, 1999 17:42 CT (US)
A hero he once was. Quick, silent, one of the shadows, forever unseen.
Short, lean, undistinguished, unremarkable, the bloody fallen soldier looks nothing like a hero. Gasping for breath, whimpering in agony, he looks nothing like the leader of a recon force that has laid low the enemy this day......

His comrades are dead... his brethern gone to pursue the fleeing enemy..... He could be anyone. At most times, he has been anyone.
He is the scout of an elite force raised from old, purely to scout.
A scout among scouts, he was...
and A man among men.
And now he is dying.
Fallen in battle, he moans in pain, carried now by his lords own clerics and empaths, hurried across the now still battle field, smoke still fresh in the air.
New agony shooting through his twisted body at every bounce the stretcher bearers make over the battle scarred terrain.
Bound wounds bleed afresh, clerics and empath work on the fly, keeping the mortaly hero alive, if only for now.....

Later, a wounded man, lost among many in the
field hospital, he lays in pain, bleeding inside, bones broken, griding against each other with each new twist of pain, his cries mingling weakly among the many dead and dying here this day..... yet he is not forgotten...... he passes out, unable to bear the pain

.... and awakens, to the radiant visage of the high cleric bowed low over him, chanting....
the hero knows they strive to help him, heal him, but there is not time, he bears information that must be told now, not later, now, right now...

struggling, his voice a near whisper, the fallen hero speaks to the high cleric, whispering to her his knowledge.....

Our forces have done well... <moans> so well... <cough> ... our plans, they exceed even the brightest expectations.... <coughs deeply>..... VTA is <moans>..... we are near to, to <pauses weakly> victory is, is..... <struggles to remain awake> victory is ours..... ours

nearby, the light from a lantern dims then fades, its fuel burnt out, and shadows fall across the remote alcove of the hospital set aside for the dead and dying. Brushing a tear from her eye, the high cleric, muttering a prayer to Angelique, tenderly removes a scouting report from the heroes cold still hands.

She does not read it, instead, she dashes off, not pausing to mourn for the dead, her lover, there is no time, leaving the fallen hero, bearing the scroll to Lady Red or Lord Gingis, wichever she can find first.....

Geo De'Grazia Dark Shadow of VTA
Historian of Justice.... its not just a job, its an adventure!

[This message has been edited by Geo DeGrazia (edited 06-19-99).]

Doc_TCV posted Jun 19, 1999 19:26 CT (US)
Doc whispers: Ok Drow silently move in.

They deploy project sappling. They place kidnapped heathen goblins (gagged and strapped with explosives) They stategically place them around the kingdom in the midlle of the day with abundance in homes, markets and towers.

Doc:this shall do. ok oak give the signal.

all of a sudden a blue falcon is seen hovering over the great fountain.

They shall never know...

2 days later they return and set off the goblins almost dead of starvation.

Doc looks on as the havoc continues...

he picks up a body part and and removes the lit cigar.

Doc:this shall truly be a truning point in the war...

Doc Because i operate for TCV
My girl of the week is Mariah Carey

Nameless posted Jun 19, 1999 19:35 CT (US)
It's sad to hear of the death of another. But to know that Geo DeGrazia died, living the same to the last, should bring comfort to those who grive and courage to all. Don't fear death for it is the final reward for those who have done their part. Don't go in search of death, for in so doing you will forever bar its rewards. Let us not grive for our loss, but rejoice for his gain. May we all be able to give our lives as usefully as he and may we do honor to his name and ours.

In shadow we live, In light we hunt,
In death's arms we shall rest.

[This message has been edited by Nameless (edited 06-20-99).]

chosen1 posted Jun 19, 1999 23:28 CT (US)
Looks up and removes a piece from the map before him.

The Hero look up and serveys(SP??) the map agian.

What next? Looks slightly exaperated.

The greatest weapon you will ever posess sits on top of your shoulders.

[This message has been edited by chosen1 (edited 06-19-99).]

Doc_TCV posted Jun 20, 1999 12:37 CT (US)
Doc Sees The Hero and asks: Shall my brotheren begin the plan Venom(the systematic assaination of highly ranked officers) or shall we ransack this kingdom for all it is worth?

Just then you can see the Elven drow running for the armory...

Doc! Doc! Doc! We found somehting you might like.

Doc: shall you accompany me Hero?

Just then the Elven goup pulls off a sheat and a new sight is seen...

5 giant catapults, 4 ballistas, 20 flammable balls and 30 huge Spears with exlosives tied around the base.

Doc: Then again this might have been the turning point in the war...

Doc:Take this to the middle line... We shall expirement.

Doc Because i operate for TCV
My girl of the week is Mariah Carey

Gingis posted Jun 20, 1999 17:32 CT (US)

[This message has been edited by Gingis (edited 06-20-99).]

Nameless posted Jun 20, 1999 19:49 CT (US)
You think that we fear you?
You who must attack in the lowest form.
You think that you can remain hidden?
Well now you know that if you try to
destory any of us, you had better be
willing to see it through to the end and
had better be ready to fight our whole
guild. We have delt with your scum and
now we will deal with you. Another thing,
how sad is it that Chosen1, your leader,
is not in control of his guild?. What
is the point in letting him live if he
has no control over his forces? Mayhaps
we would all be better off without him.
Any person who can't run a guild with
some control does not need to be alive.
When our Lady has given the word we will
avenge her honor and reap our revenge
upon Chosen1. So prepare yourselves TCV,
for once we begin we will fight until
your forces are no longer willing or able
to fight.

You can not kill what you can not see.
And you can not see that which has no name.

[This message has been edited by Nameless (edited 06-20-99).]

Attica posted Jun 20, 1999 21:03 CT (US)
A messenger runs up to where the Redhead and Gingis stands and hands them a scroll awaiting thier response.

"Mi Lady, Sir we are being attacks from behind by another. I have no inteligence yet as to who but i have sent out scouts to find out who it is. I will give you the news ASAP. My men have turned and started to fight with the infidel but I am losing strentgh fast. I need reinforcements.

Lord Attica.

Till death if i must..
Vengence Squad of VTA

Redemption posted Jun 20, 1999 21:08 CT (US)
Redemption AGM of TCV
Yeah, yeah..catchy tag here.

[This message has been edited by Redemption (edited 06-21-99).]

Darnivan posted Jun 20, 1999 21:32 CT (US)
You arn't gutless? The word is that you were scuming our kingdoms trying to do as much damage as you could... At least someone in your guild was and you got the blame, maybe, if it wasn't you (as it sound like you are saying)? It doesn't matter, if this fix doesn't work well try again to find the scum(mer) who is the problem.

Darnivan - Knight of VTA

Redemption posted Jun 20, 1999 21:44 CT (US)
Redemption AGM of TCV
Yeah, yeah..catchy tag here.

[This message has been edited by Redemption (edited 06-21-99).]

Nameless posted Jun 20, 1999 22:29 CT (US)
Reguardless of our mistake, one AGM gone
(a snivialng and whining one at that)
and so it was not as big a mistake as you
take it to be. Gutless am I? Then why am
I willing to take on a kingdom even after
I have been extreamly damaged and still
loseing money? Nutless am I? Then why am
I willing to go back to the field of battle
while undermaned and overwhelmed,
and still be able to come back and
defeat my foes? Think befor you speak,
then maybe next time you wont put your foot
in your mouth.

You can not kill what you can not see.
And you can not see that which has no name.

[This message has been edited by Nameless (edited 06-20-99).]

chosen1 posted Jun 20, 1999 22:53 CT (US)
Ok Infidel. I ahve taken enough abuse. I have tried to remain civil but you seem to desire a crass argument. Unfortuninatly for you I will not stoop to your level. My intelligence makes it rather difficult for me to act stupid and my good upbringing difficult for me to be rude. So please forgive me for not participating in what I percieve to be a moronic display of 2nd grade name calling.

I have some respect for VTA and have had respect for "The Redhead" since I met her. But it seems the members of your guild have SHORT memories. To this end I issue this statement of FACTS.

VTA initiated conflict - You attacked us WITHOUT cause. There is NEVER war without reprisals, you did dammage expect damme to be returned.

NO GM has 100% control - Members are thinking individuals and can act on their own. They can be booted afterward but the actions happen FIRST.

I am not activly involved - as per agreement. I have even kept my other involvement nearly non-existant though I do not have to. If you REALLY desire to pick a fight with me I can act. You knocked us down but not out and there is yet MUCH I can do without violating my agreement with the Redhead.

VTA members have taken the matter OOC - despite my CONSTANT reminders TCV continues to recieve OOC letters and insults. True to form we brush these off.

TCV is new to monarchy NOT to RP - Though this is our first full start the Members of TCV work well togeather and have learned the game fast. This is proven by our TWICE acending into the top ten. And we'll get back there again. In some cases we have been RPing togeather on the 'net for over 5 years.

VTA has barely neen touched by TCV despite savage attacks by VTA. - As of this point we have only defended ourselves. Do you REALLY want that attittude to change? Are you so suicidal? FI you REALLY want me to I CAN give you a war you won't believe. You'll be watching it happen and STILL won't be able to believe it. I GURANTEE it.

Now I appoligize if this letter sounds agrivated. I do have a shor temper when people exibit extreame stupidy and adolecient behavior. I feel sorry for the Redhead, she has my pity because the attitudes that I have seen thus far from those I have been in contact with from your guild can only serve to drag down not only the reputation of VTA but her personal reputaion as well.

I hope these issues can be resolved. IT can only result in a VTA that is better and stronger then ever. A VTA that will have the respect of those around it.

As for me. My time of sitting here and listening to personal attacks is over. I am tired of being passive as people feel free to drag my name (handle) through the mud. In my short time here those with whom I have had dealings have reconized me as an inteligent and honorable person. I do not need junivile people who can't tell the differance between Monarchy and Reality.

I hope now the record can be set straight and VTA can cure what I forsee to be a growing cancer in their ranks.

If I can be of OOC help I'd be more then happy to. But in any case I wish you all the best.

Now enough of this and on with the game. I would really much rather RP then this.



The greatest weapon you will ever posess sits on top of your shoulders.

[This message has been edited by chosen1 (edited 06-20-99).]

Redemption posted Jun 20, 1999 22:59 CT (US)
Redemption AGM of TCV
Yeah, yeah..catchy tag here.

[This message has been edited by Redemption (edited 06-21-99).]

Nameless posted Jun 21, 1999 01:16 CT (US)
Chosen1, apperantly you and I can't quite
make eachother understand. I point out that
you have lose cannons in your ranks, and you say we have a cancer spreding in our rank.
I made a mistake when I assumed that you had
sanctioned attacks on my group, but is it not
natural to assume that a GM would have control
Over his guild? Would it not be fair for someone
to feel even more annoyed to find out that
some lose cannon has forsaken the possable
peace between us? I am one to admit my mistakes, and I have had a bad overall game thus far. This is not an excuse for my quick
temper in this matter, mearly getting you
up to date with my situation. Now part of
this my messages has been RP, another part
has been from me. If you feel that we have
been unfair in word or action, then I on behalf
of my guild I appoligize. The fact that you
are new to this game and had such a high rank
is a very good mark on all of you. Maybe in 2 or 3
games you will be the top guild, but you do
need to get a firmer grip on your people. If
you really need to know we do not wish to
make enemies, in fact I have 2 good friends
in guilds we have attacked. If you have a vice
with me then message my kingdom, if not
let us continue a good game and hope for the

You can not kill what you can not see.
And you can not see that which has no name.

Redemption posted Jun 21, 1999 01:30 CT (US)
My apologies to Nameless and the rest of VTA, Nameless has proven the honor of VTA in my eyes.


Redemption AGM of TCV
Yeah, yeah..catchy tag here.

Want to comment at all? detokiet@angelfire.com Subject: VTAVsTCV

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