Xabat, Spanish, (shah-baht) savior
Xabier, Basque, (shah-bee-ehr) owner of the new house
Xalbador, Spanish, (shahr-van-dor) savior {Xalvador}
Xarles, Old French, (shar-lehs) full-grown, manly
Xavier, Basque, (sha-vee-ehr) owner of the new house
Xerxes, Persian, prince, king {Zerk}
Ximen, Hebrew, (shee-mehn) God is heard {Ximon, Ximun}
Ximenes, Hebrew/Spanish, God has heard
Xylon, Greek, of the woods
Need to know where your name comes from and what it means or do you have a name that's not on this page? Email me at: detokiet@angelfire.com Subject: Names